Testimonials from past participant of LYL Training
Findhorn 2010 Jamie and others
‘ Laughter Yoga has planted seeds and laughter in my life, they sprout everywhere and brighten up my day- They lift my spirits so they soar, the seeds lighten my heart. It really seems to work wonders for the heart especially’
‘It was valuable to be with other people that want to hlp themselves and others from the laughter heart’
‘It was good to practice everything so much..a very enjoyable experience’
‘..confidence building and life affirming’
…’wonderful thanks’
Participants from a London training
‘’Most valuable for me was looking at myself in my frustrations’
‘..opportunity to develop expertise.and acquire a repertoire of skills’
.’repetition of exercises gave me confidence in leading laughter clubs/sessions and doing it by myself’
Regular goer of Findhorn Laughter Club
‘ After laughter club I always get a good nights sleep’
‘I laugh much more easily nowadays’