The majority of Laughter Yoga exercises are based on childlike playfulness. They really provide a vehicle for us to play and have innocent fun ..just like children. Examples of these laughter yoga exercises include mobile phone, bird, laughter cream, and elevator laughter.
There are some exercises however based on yoga principles such as ‘lion’ laughter, calcutta laughter, gradient laughter, and humming
Some laughter exercises are value based such as greeting, namaste, appreciation,forgiveness,crying,argument, and shy laughter.
The voice reinforcement laughter exercises include aloha, one meter, orchestra, lawn mower, and milkshake laughter.
There are laughter yoga exercises done on the floor such as centipede, rowing [see photo of us in India], belly and bull’s eye.
I particularly like the themed laughter yoga exercises as they can roll into each other in the form of an ongoing story.
Laughter exercises can also be done alone..I find using a mirror is helpful with these..especially ‘laughing at self’
As we are in Laughter yoga really laughing for no reason..this leads us onto laughing at anything and everything ..including our ‘problems’ …very helpful I find in traffic jams!!!
When we laugh we change and when we change the world changes around us..ho ho ha ha ha!!